Bokadirekt is Sweden’s largest marketplace and booking tool for service providers primarily within beauty and health. It is by far the market’s largest booking application with around 2 million completed bookings per month.
Bokadirekt’s booking system helps their merchants receive and administer their bookings. It allows them to get new customers using their marketing tools, manage bookings and get paid for services that merchants provide to the customers.
Their booking system is accessible 24 hours a day via computer and smartphone.
As latest features they integrated online payments which can help sellers attract more new customers by offering several different payment methods, everything from invoices with partial payment to cards, Apple Pay and Google Pay. They also developed their own card terminal that is fully integrated with the booking and checkout system.
One of the biggest challenges was migrating all the customers to a new version of application which was developed with Angular & Typescript, .NET, using microservice architecture and Azure.